Fly With Acupuncture

Fly With Acupuncture Print print

Fly With Acupuncture Print by cocomeezer
Browse all the other artwork at Zazzle
This may be one of my newer prints but I am pleased to say I've already sold one. This is exciting. I liked the idea and the thought and I am glad to see that someone else did as well!

Natural Healing Print

Natural Healing by cocomeezer
See all the posters on zazzle
This print is a new direction for me. I'm moving into using needles in the photos of landscapes and other things. Sort of like a find this or look closely and see what you can find. I hope to get some of these into acupuncture offices to give people waiting a pleasant surprise at the idea of acupuncture in nature. I am not sure how it will go but I will be trying variations on this theme–perhaps small needles and moxa in spaces on the pictures? Of course, that will require larger sized items so at first they won't be on cards but I could change that.

Bloom With Acupuncture

This is my first try at bloom with acupuncture. I think that flowers and needles together make a nice combination and the thought is good. I hope to have a series of four or five eventually and perhaps a poster that puts them all together. I used a photo with the flower highlighted and changed up the background to highlight the flower and the needles that I wanted to use.

Blog Stats

I’m quite enjoying playing with my blog stats plugin.  I like it. Wish I had used it awhile ago. I think it counts more than what sitemeter counts as far as people visiting and I hope these stats are closer to what is correct.  My high end numbers are close to the numbers I hope to average and that’s getting decent traffic. Now I only have to keep it up.

Need to install this on my acupuncture marketing blog!  Also on my personal site!